Friday, December 21, 2007

Because Morgan Misses My Posts

Hello all! Took a one week break from blogging and it was lovely. In the last week I have...
  • Finished my Christmas Cards
  • Finished shopping for everyone (except my parents)
  • Stayed up WAY too late
  • Avoided the mall at all costs
  • Beat a very hard level of Mario Galaxy
  • Skipped out of work early 2 times (today will make it 3)
  • Ran into a fellow scrapper friend who rocks.
  • Tripped in public. And it was funny.

I worked on my beloved quilt last night. Just as I had finished sewing together all seven pieces (which took forever and was the most stressful thing I have done since my balance beam routine in 1991) I decided to add 2 more pieces. Why, you might ask? Well, I made my sister lie down on the couch with me and pretend to be Matt, so I could see if what I had was big enough for the two of us. She even spooned me, a la Matt, which made the calculation even more accurate. She's the best.

So, what do you buy your parents for Christmas? The two most awesome people in the world, but who have EVERYTHING already. So incredibly difficult. My dad needs a new camera. And as much as I don't mind dropping $300 on my dad because he could possibly be the best human being on this planet....what do I get my mom that is equally as good. Do you see my dilemma here? You can't just spoil one, and not the other. This must be like when you have kids, and you will mostly likely have a favorite (even though everyone says they don't - bullshit) and you want to give one more presents than the other. Tough call. Not saying my dad is my favorite, because my mom kicks ass, but you know what I mean.

I really hope my parents don't read my blog.

Happy Friday!


renee said...

i love reading your crack me up!!

Unknown said...

YOU ARE A HOOT TO READ!! I can just imagine you talking JUST like you type!! :) fun!!! hmmmmm as for spoiling mom, how about a homemade Gift card for a GIRLS DAY OUT -shopping, lunch, movie, whatevah she wants. b/c we all know that mom's would rather have TIME than some gift anyway :) then you can justify the cam for Dad!!
GOOD LUCK & keep us posted on what you decide :)

Tina said...

parents are seriously hard to shop for. Thank god my dad had a special request for a handmade scrapbook of his best friend that past away a few years ago. So that's his gift, my step-mom is pretty much happy with anything.

You seem to trip/fall a lot in public, eh? Well, I hope you have an awesome Christmas with Matt and your family!

Your "AK" bud,

EliseBlaha said...

so nice to run into you,
scrappy friend!

merry christmas!

miss morgan... said...

thank you! hehe! also thank you for my favorite card i've gotten so far this holiday season! i just called you to vent, but no answer, so sad! hehe.

Rachael said...

Wow, what a bunch of things you got done!!!! :)

I have a hard time buying for my parents too, but what's even harder is my inlaws!!!

Shelly Brewer said...

gift cards...that's what i say to any dilema.

AnilĂș Magloire said...

I missed you!! Glad you're back :)
I am dying to see that finished quilt.
My Dad is impossible to shop for but my Mom's always fun and easy.

Have a wonderful time this Christmas and enjoy your time with the fam!!

Anne Thompson said...

I finally bought my parents gift yesturday. I hear ya on the 'they have everything already' bit!
Hope you have yourself a very very Marry Christmas!

quietly going mad... said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas!! Did you pick a backing for you rad quilt yet?