Friday, November 16, 2007

I Want To Be A Blonde with a TV Show

So, I got to thinking about jobs today. I think the harsh reality is that most people don't like their jobs. They do them because they have to. Not because they are passionate about their work. So, I then started thinking about dream jobs. You know, the kinds of jobs that we wish we had, but we are too chicken shit or lazy to try to get them. Or the ones that seem so unrealistic, that when you tell other people about them they just think you're crazy and stupid. Well, my dream job would be hers. Samantha Brown.

I'm not saying I like her (although I am saying that I don't like her outfit in this picture). She tends to be a little too bubbly for me. But I do love her job. Traveling the world and getting paid for it!! Um....hello! Talk about the most perfect job for me. So, what is your dream job? The crazy, far fetched, possibly unrealistic dream job? I want to know. Spill people. Happy Friday!


Tina said...

she is annoyingly bubbly but I still enjoy her show. she did one on amsterdam and now that's all I want to do...go to amsterdam.

dream jobs...hhmm...i would of loved to have been a fashion photographer or food critic or bakery shop owner or personal shopper. i have many more but thats what comes to mind right now.
happy friday!

dani said...

rachel rays tasty travels, or $40 a day!! good food, and travel, what more could you ask for!

ali mclaughlin said...

I like your dream.. that sounds like one I would love.. well my dream job is to someday be a photographer.. and I'm making my dream happen soon!

staceyfike said...

you just stole my dream job!!

so i guess i'd like to be one of those guys from three sheets, they travel the world tasting beers, etc..... gotta love that job!

Colleen said...

i freakin love her show!!!! yeah, she's bubbly and a little naive about these places she visits, but i love her show.

now that would be a job right there

quietly going mad... said...

I've seen this show! Wouldn't mind that job either. Honestly my dream is to own a shop/boutique where I sell all kinds of things from vintage to hand made to new one of those places that takes your breath away when you walk in and make you feel at home at the same time. A place where I can work on whatever I want and wrap every purchase in pretty tissue paper and have midnight margarita sales. Someday, someday. Whoa got a little carried away there:)

Vee said...

I love that show too!! She is a little annoying but the show is so cool and would be an awesome dream job! ;)

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Yea--that would be a cool job. She is a little quirky for me, but good show. Dream job? College Professor, Cafe owner, Party Planner.

Silvitanova said...

I think that I've got my dream job...but I atill dream of being the Chief Editor of a (scrap) Magazine!!

Anne Thompson said...

I must be missing out, I've never seen that show! Love your new cut btw! I'm kinda wanting to do the 'posh' cut!

Anonymous said...

Man, where are all the jobs like that?

Jennifer said...

Mine may not sound like a dream job, but it is for me. I'd like to work on the field, in Africa or Asia, helping the victims of conflict and/or natural disasters. Honestly, that is what I would like to be doing instead. :)