Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Preview

I promised a lot of people I would show preview pics of the quilt I've been working on. Unfortunately, the only camera available last night was my cell phone camera. So, its not the best picture. But you get the idea. As of last night, I am officially halfway done. I can't wait to finish this baby and collect my $50 from Matt.


quietly going mad... said...

It looks so good!!! You are so going to collect that money and then spend it when we go shopping! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

Looks great,I love all the patterns you're using (well the ones I can see). You are quite talented.

Nicole Carro said...

OMG, teach me how to quilt! I so want to learn how. Those fabrics are incredible, can't wait to see the finished product.

Tina said...

love the purple and green!

Vee said...

looks awesome, can't wait to see the entire quilt!! ;)

Marc said...

OH SNAP! it looks quiltastic! :-P

AnilĂș Magloire said...

Well, I am IM-PRESSED!! Totally. The quilt looks beautiful and you chose gorgeous fabrics for it.

RachelDenbow said...

Love me some Amy Butler. These colors look fab together. You're so good!

RachelDenbow said...

Oh, and the hair looks HOT!

Bethany E. said...

Wow! Gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished will show us, right?!