Friday, August 24, 2007

Eight Twenty Four Oh Seven

It's been a rough day.
I am working a 6 day work week.
I am tired from traveling.
I am tired from working.
I am frustrated at life.
I am annoyed with Matt.
I am feeling overwhelmed.
I feel like crying, for no reason.
I feel bored, and hungry.
And I am feeling lonely.
I am annoyed beyond words.
But a quiet kind of annoyed.
Silently keeping to myself.
Not expressing any emotions.
Just here. Thinking. Reflecting.

I hope to feel better tomorrow.
Check back then for more of my usual self.


Marc said...


Vee said...

feel better soon

staceyfike said...

blah day here too.
and i still have to go to work.

hope your tomorrow is better.

AnilĂș Magloire said...

Been there, done that :( Go see The Nanny Diaries. It's a good feel good movie.
Chin up, girl!!