Friday, January 26, 2007

Oh my goodness!

I actually scrapped. It has been over a month since I even looked at my stack of paper heaven that lives on my table. Man oh man did it feel good to create. My girl Maggs came over and we watched the Last Kiss, which I have to admit that I really enjoyed. I loved the realness of the movie. The fight scenes were so so real, just how it tends to happen in real life. I kept thinking to myself, "Man, women are Craaaazzzyyy!!" And it's true. Girls do dumb things, especially when they are mad. But, dudes are assholes (for the most part). So it evens out. Ok, I need to stop being Dr. Phil and get back to my point. So, I was secretely hoping that Maggs would fall to the dark side when she saw all my scrap goodies sprawled out all over my house, but sadly enough, she didn't. Anywho, when she left, I finished what I had started, and Matty and Louie kept me company. My boys are so good to me. So, I made a page about my resolutions. Yes, I know I am way tardy, but I'm Bolivia. Tardy is my first, middle, and last name. Ok, so without further ado, here is the blurry representation of my page. Peanut Praise is highly appreciated! Happy Friday my little chickens.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Love this page, the colours are fab.