Saturday, July 21, 2007

Total Wannabe

I have a confession. I have never read any of the Harry Potter books. But, I kinda wish I had. Because I totally feel left out. I swear I'm the only person who is not at home right now reading that book from cover to cover. I bet my cousin Daniela is at home right now reading. And Matt's brother is too. I need to get with the program. I need to jump on the HP bandwagon. I'm a total wannabe.

Tomorrow equals Nerdy Bike Helmet day. The weather is supposed to be beautiful. This means I will wake up early, slap on some sexy spandex, and hit the C&O canal. And if you're wondering how the triathlon training is going...well, it's ok. Not awesome. Not bad. Just ok.

And for your viewing pleasure...this is probably how ridiculous I will look tomorrow. Isn't the C&O trail just so pretty? Love it.


Marc said...

I just got the 7th books today in the mail from! I have all 7 Books now! I have yet to read any of them. I've listened to the first one on CD so i guess that counts...

dani said...

i stayed up late reading it saturday, and read most of the day sunday, and after i get off work today, i plan on finishing it off!

Sara said...

Didn't start reading any of the Harry Potter books until my Freshman year of college. And then I had at least 3 to catch up on! You can do it! I totally recommend them. Seriously good fiction.

Vee said...

I didn't read any of them either.
haha you are so funny, that trail looks awesome :)