Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Good, The Bad

Good: Finally started working on KC's kit, which is fabulous, btw.
Bad: No time to finish the damn thing until this weekend.

Good: Dinner date with my friends tonight. Great, in fact.
Bad: Having to find parking downtown in a highly congested area.

Good: Busy at work, which means I'm not bored.
Bad: Having to work late and putting up with horrid people.

Good: Harry Potter was released for all the magical loving people.
Bad: I am not one of them.

Good: Amazon offers free shipping on orders over $25.
Bad: My total at the moment is $24.89. Wonderful.

Good: Drinking lots of water throughout the day.
Bad: The bathroom is like a mile away. Not good when you're about to pee your work pants.

Good: Owning a computer.
Bad: Owning a ridiculously SLOW computer.

Good: Gmail. Ahh, yes, Gmail is wonderful.
Bad: Being blocked from Gmail at work. Stupid firewalls.

Good: Vacations, more specifically, my upcoming vacation to DR.
Bad: Paying for such vacations. And worrying about who you're going to leave your cat with when you're gone.

Good: Matt waking up with me this morning for a change.
Bad: Matt and I fighting all morning and consequently, being late for work.

Good: Girls
Bad: Boys

Good: It's Wednesday.
Bad: It's not Friday.


Vee said...

love your good/bad list!!
so agree :)
have tonight and crossing fingers for you to find good and easy parking :) which is no easy task in dc

Unknown said...

speaking of dinner week is coming up! we should go out to dinner :)

EliseBlaha said...

love this idea.
good list.

Marc said...

Rule: Boys
Drool: Girls

Anonymous said...

Love your list.. we need to all meet up sometime soon!

amytangerine said...

now i have the facts of life theme song in my head :)

Melissa said...

love this idea for a post! hope you have a great time at the dinner date..besides the parking that is.