Monday, July 16, 2007

Dear Officer #5303 from Madison County, IL

I think you are a complete and utter idiot. I'm sorry that the flat, corn field lands of Madison County Illinois don't offer much entertainment, but pulling me over for "barely" speeding is just uncalled for. Not only that, I had a legitimate excuse (passing the grandma in the right lane that was going way below the speed limit and causing me to almost have an ulcer). Also, crossing the Indiana state line does not take 4 hours as your ignorant ass told me while I was speaking to you with my window open in the scorching heat. In fact, dear officer, it took me 1.5 hours. So, either you have no effing clue, or I just drive like a speeding maniac (personally, i think its a little bit of A and a little bit of B). The truth is yes, I have a thing for speed. But, being pulled over for going 81 in a 65 in the middle of NOWHERE is unnecessary. Ok, maybe if I had been going 20 over, or even 40 over (as I was doing the rest of the trip) I could see a point. But, just so you know Officer #5303, after we parted ways, I not only kept on speeding, but I hooked up my radar detector and drove an average of 93 the rest of the way home. So, I hope you enjoyed taking $75 from my bank account. I certainly enjoyed speeding through your state and do not regret it for one minute.


Speed Demon

(pics of the weekend coming soon....)


Marc said...

You lucked out... if you had gotten pulled over for going 81 (anything over 80 is wreckless) in VA it woulda been wreckless and you woulda been fined like $2000... yes $2000 yay for the new law! Gotta pay for those new roads! They need to just up the speed limit everywhere and take away grammas' liscenses

Bethany E. said...

haha...girl, you crack me up! I totally understand why you passed the grandma, I would have done the same thing! :)

Vee said...

you are so funny girl!
sorry about the ticket but marc is so right
thanks good ole VA
glad you had a great time :)

Greta Adams said...

bwhahahaha...found you via colleen and girl i was laughing so you would have paid a pretty penny for that ticket

staceyfike said...

in KY i got 71 in a 55 and it was $170!!!! right before christmas,too!!!
it sucks!! i know!

dani said...

i smell bacon, i smell grease, i smell madison county police!

AnilĂș Magloire said...

You are too funny!!

RachelDenbow said...

I got a $165 ticket in OK for doing this same thing about 4 years ago. Dang. Cop was coming the other direction as I passed a slow car. He got a good look at me. Glad you're not on the side of the road somewhere and safely home.

erika said...

hahaha. i was about to yell at you and tell you to slow the fuck down, but then i read your letter to the pork chop and giggled. since when do you have a radar detector?

anyways, screw illinois.. the silent 'S' is beyond pretentious anyway.

Unknown said...

Ok that is sooo funny! But sad, I'm sorry about the ticket! I know it sucks, being a fellow speed demon I've had my fair share! Can't wait to see pics and hear about your weekend:-)