Monday, October 08, 2007

Ten Eight oh Seven

I hardly ever get to see this girl. She works a million hours a week and goes to school full time. So, when I get to see her I feel so incredibly blessed. Because no one gets me like she does. And just being with her, especially at her parent's house, always brings back so many good memories. It reminds me of all those early mornings I picked her up in highschool. And we'd blast some old school rap while doing our makeup in the car. And how we loved to skip first period to go visit the llama farm in Oakton. Or how I made her join dive-team with me just because I wanted someone to laugh with me when I belly-flopped. Ahhhh, good times people. Good times!

And while I'm getting all sappy about old friends....Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know. Happy 27th Meggers. Love you so much!

Last, a current favorite of mine. And with some more typewriter love. How is it even possible that I have gone so many years without a typewriter? Luckily, Matt's parents are letting me borrow theirs until my dad digs out our old school one from the attic. Total sweetness!


Bethany E. said...

wow...super cute layout! You're making me totally want to a typewriter now!!

Bethany E. said...
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Vee said...

awesome layout girl!! typewriters are the shiznet!! ;)

Silvitanova said...

I must find my typewriter to!

Unknown said...

That page is sooo cute! Also, don't you just love the friends that remind you of growing up, many silly memories. Love it!

ali mclaughlin said...

Love that layout! Yay for good friends!

amytangerine said...

love the layout! we got capn's mom's old typewriter from indianapolis and had to put it into checked baggage. well something happened and we had to pay $135 to get it fixed! needless to say, if you are going to fly with a typewriter, carry it on. xo

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

TYPEWRITER!! One of those really cool "why-didnt-I-think-of-that" ideas!!

Nicole Carro said...

Dude, love this layout - so perfect.

miss morgan... said...

ahhhhhh scrap ninja! you scrap deadly awesome layout! haha. this is like the trifecta of things i am loving on layouts lately, thickers, typing and labels! love it!

Rachael said...

Awww!!! Love your layout!!

Rachael said...

Awww!!! Love your layout!!