Monday, September 24, 2007

Have you Ever...

Been a tourist in your own city? Like, put on the backpack, take out a map, strap on a camera and and look like a nerdy type tourist? Ok, so maybe I didn't use a map, but I did bring the DSLR. Plus, I hadn't seen the new WWII memorial so I felt the need to go. And I found a statue of Simon Bolivar that I didn't even know existed. And hello people, Bolivia is named after him, so I thought that was pretty cool. And yes, I'm standing in third position below....once a ballerina, always a ballerina I suppose.

Sitting on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

And you know I have to take a jumping shot. It's tradition.

And Matt took this. He loves it. But I just think its funny looking.

Anyways, my scrap mojo is gone. If you have seen it, please call 555-MOJO. I am desperate people. LSS is boggling my mind. I am dying to tackle the Sarah B scrapjack. AND, I have a 12 hour scrap sesh in store for Saturday. Eeeeeek.

And happy birthday to my favorite flower dancing, Wii playing, funny girl...Daniela! I wish I could come to your bar crawl on Saturday but you know I will be there in spirit. Love you!


Marc said...

I didnt know there was a new WWII memorial! I'll have to check it out!

amytangerine said...

love being a tourist in my own city- usually it happens when guests come into town. love that you did this as i have never been to DC! xo

Anne Thompson said...

Can't say that I've ever done it in my little town! I would get some funny looks, cuz everyone knows everyone around here! haha Looks like you got some cool pics though! Sometimes if I can't find my scrap mojo I go to my LSS and buy a few things and get excited to scrap again! Plus it's a great way to just get new supplies! haha

Moreen said...

Thats a really good idea, will try that I need some new photos to scrap.

Vee said...

i love our city!!!
I drove past the WWWII memorial the other weekend it is stunning, i want to go down there before it gets chilly.
12hours, sheeshs. i guess we should pump up on some caffiene or something!! ha :)

staceyfike said...

i like matt's picture too!

and my mojo must be off with your mojo somewhere....LSS has me stumped and creation is at a standstill.

Noelia said...

Cute photos! I love beeing a tourist in my own city but don't do it enough. And no worries, your mojo will come back :)

AnilĂș Magloire said...

That's the best idea ever, Nat!
Always fun pics in this, your blog!

Barbie said...

Love all the pictures!!! My mojo has been lacking... hopefully we figure it out !!!

Heather said...

ohhhh if i see your mojo I might just have to keep it. I'm in quit a slump too.
Love all your tourist pics.

Breanne Crawford said...

im thinking i need to drop out of lss. too much stress.

and your mojo will return. promise :)

michelle raMirez said...

sending good mojo your way now.
bam. you should have it now.
love those pics and being a tourist in your own town.
you are so cool!

Anonymous said...

I love going into D.C as well!There is always something new to see.

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

LOVE the pics! It always looks like you are having so much fun. You live in a great city to be a tourist in :)